Grab some tissue! The video of our amazing surrogate Antoinette’s delivery is such a beautiful thing. We want to thank Antoinette and New Parents, Kristie and Ricky for letting us share this incredibly heart-warming surrogate video. This is surrogacy and this is why we do what we do.
Marriage Equality And What It Means For The Future of Surrogacy
On June 26th, 2013 the Supreme Court of the United States overturned California State Ballot Proposition 8, ruling that the amendment it created to ban same-sex marriages is, in fact, unconstitutional. Also overturned was section 3 of The Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus unbarring the federal recognition of same sex marriages. Gay marriage legalization
Surrogacy Myths – Addressing the “New Prostitution”
Negativity exists in every form of work. Uniformed and overly (and overtly) opinionated people are everywhere. The subject matters they dwell upon range from politics to plumbing. Surrogacy is, by far, without exception to this rule. I recently read a blog calling surrogates “prostitutes;” those who work in IVF “pimps” and the intended parents “Johns.”
This is one of the only words in the English language that elicits a positive and negative response simultaneously in the human brain. The levels very, depending on the person’s point of view. To someone who is using a surrogate to start their own family, it could be the equivalent of winning the lottery. Killing
Do you have what it takes?
Trusted Doctor Uses Forged Surrogacy Documents to Sell Babies In India
Have you heard about this? A gynecologist in India has been charged with human trafficking and forgery after selling a baby using fake surrogacy papers. He and his “clients” have been making the international headlines for the past couple of months and it looks as if this has been going on for some time now.