Become a Surrogate
How to become a surrogate
Surrogate Melissa from Surrogate Alternatives on Vimeo
The first step to becoming a surrogate

One of our happy surrogates with newly delivered twins.
The first step to become a surrogate with Surrogate Alternatives is to visit our website at and fill out the intro surrogate application. Once we receive your online intro app it prompts us to reach out and introduce ourselves to you. We will then send you the link to the full application at this time, which can be completed online. The application is very lengthy, so please take your time filling it out. The reason it is so lengthy is because all the information you are providing to us will be also provided to your IVF physician and Intended Parents. The IVF physician must also review your pregnancy history. We must get to know you as one of our surrogates, and this is the best way to begin the process. For more surrogate information, contact our Surrogate Alternatives Team. Don't wait… apply to be a surrogate with SAI Surrogacy today!
Once you submit your application and pictures, we will move to the next step of meeting you at our office in person. This is where we will go over all the steps in detail, so you can understand the process of surrogacy and all the magic that goes along with it. We encourage you to ask as many questions as possible during our meeting. You will also meet our staff and get to know us better. Since we accept surrogates from all over California and the United States, we understand that not all surrogates will be able to meet us in person. We have the ability to conduct appointments by phone, Skype, Zoom or whichever, is most convenient for you.
After your application is complete and we have had our appointment, the next step begins. You will be added to our available surrogate database. We keep a database on the web, which lists just your first name and your photo. Our intended parents are given a secure password to view your profile, where no confidential information is viewed. To be honest, we feel the waiting for a match is the hardest part of the entire surrogacy process. Your profile is being shared with multiple intended parents. We try and only send your profile to our intended parents that we feel will be a good match for you. Since surrogacy is such a sensitive process, we treat the matching process very delicately. Sometimes it can take longer than expected, however it is worth it in the end.
After one of our directors officially matches you with intended parents, everything can begin to move forward with an attempt at achieving a pregnancy!
You will be introduced to your case manager at this time. Your case manager will guide you through the screening process. This entails the psychological screening, obtaining medical insurance (if you don’t already have it,) medical screening, and lastly the legal process. All of the screenings move quickly and happen in steps. Our case managers will also be there to guide you every step of the way.
Once the screenings are complete, your IVF clinic and doctor will give you a calendar of dates for your upcoming IVF cycle. This is a very exciting time. Everyone is anticipating and hoping for success! Our surrogates must do their best to follow the directions of their nurse coordinator to make sure they are taking their medication correctly. If a surrogate is ever unsure, we encourage the surrogate to ask questions.
After the IVF cycle is complete, everyone continues to wait to see if the embryo transfer was successful. If it is not, we will talk to the intended parents and the surrogate to make sure they want to continue to try again. We all hope they never give up on a pregnancy and parenthood. If the transfer was successful, you will still continue to see your IVF doctor. He will keep you on IVF medications to sustain the pregnancy. It is very important that the medication be taken until your doctor decides to wean you off of it. Once the IVF doctor decides it’s time to continue prenatal care at your OB, he will release you from his care. At this time, you will need to call your OB and set up your first appointment. Your OB will take care of all of your prenatal care and delivery from this point forward.
During the time of your surrogacy pregnancy, you will be offered support from Surrogate Alternatives. You will also be giving your Intended parents updates regarding the pregnancy. Some intended parents live out of the country and are not able to attend your OB appointments with you. Sometimes as a surrogate, you have to step into their shoes and be sympathetic that they cannot carry the miracle that would be growing inside of you, that is why they choose you!
At Surrogate Alternatives we hope that your journey is one you will be remember for a lifetime and be proud of being apart of for the rest of your life. We are honored that we get to be a part of so many journeys over the 26+ years we have been in business.
“I cannot believe that it has already been a year
since you wonderful people at Surrogate Alternatives matched me with the most caring, and loving couple I have ever met. Because of you, you gave me the opportunity to be a part of one of the most amazing creations I have ever known… a beautiful baby boy! Today, little David is one week shy of being 3 months old and I feel as though I have been with him every moment of his life. His parents never forget to send me pictures on an almost daily basis showing me just how big he is becoming. I am so happy when I see how much they love their little boy. It’s as if their suffering and heartache in the past never existed. My couple is forever a part of my family. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Holli
An Agency with Personal Experience
Surrogate Alternatives, Inc. is made up of former and current surrogates who have a passion for building tomorrow’s families today. Collectively we are responsible for the birth of 31 children! We are an agency that doesn’t just talk about surrogacy but we live it. It’s our passion and it’s our love.
What does SAI look for in a Surrogate? from Surrogate Alternatives on Vimeo
Surrogate Requirements