OMG Surrogacy Acronyms!
If there’s one thing anyone going through infertility treatment knows, its all of the acronyms associated with it! The surrogacy world adds on even more acronyms! So welcome to surrogacy 101: let’s go over some of the most used surrogacy terms on social media.
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
What does IVF stand for? IVF is In Vitro Fertilization, the process by which a mother or Surrogate mother will become pregnant. It involves an egg fertilized in the lab under close monitoring from the Dr and staff, which is then placed inside the woman’s uterus.
ET: Embryo Transfer
This is a part of the IVF process where the actual embryo is placed into the Surrogate’s uterus. Learn more about embryos and how surrogacy works!
IPs: Intended Parents/Parent
This is what we call the people we plan on helping to become parents through surrogacy. It is intended that they become parents, and that is where the name comes from.
IF: Intended Father
IM: Intended Mother
GC/GS: Gestational Carrier/Gestational Surrogate
A Gestational Carrier or Surrogate is a surrogate who carries a baby who is not genetically related to her. A traditional surrogate is also the egg donor. SAI does not work with Traditional Surrogates.
BCP: Birth Control Pills
This is a medication many IVF Dr’s will prescribe in the IVF process, so you will see it in a lot of online forums.
PIO: Progesterone in Oil
This is another medication commonly used in IVF. Usually in a daily shot.
BFP: Big Fat Positive
This refers to the hopeful double line on a home pregnancy test. Everyone hopes to see a BFP after an IFV transfer.
BFN: Big Fat Negative
This refers to the home pregnancy coming back negative.
2WW: 2 Week Wait
This refers to the two weeks after an embryo transfer
DP3DT: Days Past 3 Day Transfer
This refers to the number of days that have passed since a 3day old embryo transfer. Usually in reference to how faint or dark a possible positive home pregnancy test can be a certain number of days after the transfer.
POAS: Pee on a stick
The process of taking a home pregnancy test.
D&C: Dilation and Curettage
EDD: Expected Due Date
The date the baby has reached 40 weeks gestation.
VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Cesarian
This is when a woman is able to give birth vaginally after having given birth previously via Cesarian section.
Many of these pregnancy acronyms are used in surrogate mother support groups and forums within the surrogate community as well as the infertility community. There are a lot more, but these are the most commonly used. Explore infertility options to learn more about the services Surrogacy Alternatives offers!