It’s homework time people. Nobody likes it; nobody wants to read it, but you HAVE TO READ YOUR SURROGATE CONTRACT! Seriously, I cannot stress this enough. Everything you ever wanted, needed, and never even though of knowing is in there. It’s the Rosetta stone of surrogacy and I’m talking to EVERYONE here. Surrogates, egg donors,
Coping With Infertility
Infertility is generally characterized by the inability to become pregnant. In women, infertility can be caused by several reasons with the most common being polycystic ovarian syndrome. The good news is that living with infertility while planning a family is possible and many times infertility is curable. Dealing with infertility can be stressful on both
Your fertility is something to be thankful for
A Surrogate shares her story
My First surrogacy journey My IVF success story starts in 2005, when I started researching information about being a surrogate mother. I wanted to be able to stay home with my one year old daughter and still contribute to our family’s income. What better way than to be able to carry someone’s baby for them!
Infertility Options for Intended Parents
Just as there are many reasons parents may choose non-traditional ways to bear a child, there are many infertility options available to help them have the child they want. Those options include adoption, in vitro fertilization (IVF), traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. The choice among the various infertility options is a very personal one. What’s
Find a Surrogate – Surrogate Alternatives Can Help
[Scan the QR Code to be directed to our website] Established in 1998, Surrogate Alternatives, Inc. (SAI) has been in business longer than any other agency in San Diego, CA. Our history includes over 1,200 clients, 750 births and a dedicated support team to help make the process of third-party reproduction as worry-free as possible.
Becoming a Surrogate-Where to Begin…
For anyone considering becoming a Surrogate, you must know there are two types of Surrogacy. Before the medical advances of IVF or (In Vitro Fertilization), the only option in third-party reproduction was Traditional Surrogacy. Traditional Surrogacy is where the Surrogate Mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm from the Intended Parent and the Surrogate is